A workspace is a space where you can invite your collaborators to participate in different activities. It is possible to customize the identity of the workspace in order to indicate to the collaborators that they are in the right place and to define the language used within the workspace.
a)- Select the logo : By default, the application identifies the logo associated with the domain's name of the administrator (if it's Mr John from john@google.com it's the google logo that appears) .-
b)- Put the banner : To give a more cosy touch.
c)- Define the name : The name must be easy to recongnize by the participants, this point is very important because the mails, and the notifications sent automatically to the participants will have in subject the name of your workspace.
d)- Set The language :
P.S: You have the possibilty to deactivate the workspace whenever you like, by clicking=>'disable'. ( check the image above)
Great Job! Now you are ready to suscribe your members into your workspace !
Next article: "Manage members of your workspace"