Because we simply set a certain grid of choices and we are sure that at the end we can easily analyze the results, no matter how many participants will answer.
Votes are easy and quick to answer.
They are also easy to compare with other respondents or questionnaires , and they are less complicated to analyze.
After writing the subject of your vote, you predefine the answer choices.
1) Start by defining a title to your vote.
2) Add as many items as you like , in order to do that:
Go to =>'Define items to be voted on' , click=>'Add an item'.
You then , have the choice to :
3) Define the criteria of voting and the scales according to the choice of the participants.
On the same page , Go to=>'Define voting criteria', click=>'Add a voting criteria' and select=> the criteria that you want , you can add as many criterias as you like.
For each crietria you have the possibility to define : the name , the description, the scale.
Great job ! check the next article for the upcoming step!
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